For all customers, please complete the forms below to authorize repairs.

Repair Authorization Terms

  1.   I hereby authorize R&R Auto Body to perform the repair work on my vehicle set forth in the repair estimate referenced by the RO# above, including all parts, materials, labor and subcontract services, and including scanning, diagnostics, and/or calibration, and related extraction of vehicle data.
  2.   I understand that the repair estimate is based on R&R Auto Body`s preliminary inspection and does not cover any additional parts or labor that may be required to complete the repair.
  3.   I understand that I will be billed the published list price for parts and services as of the date the parts are received and services are performed.
  4.   I understand that additional repair work and parts, or a delay in receiving parts, may cause the estimated completion date to change.
  5.   I understand that if glass removal is included, I will not hold R&R Auto Body or its subcontractors responsible for glass breakage that may occur.
  6.   I grant R&R Auto Body and its employees or agents permission to transport my vehicle for repairs and/or sublet services and to drive my vehicle a reasonable distance for purposes of testing and inspection, including but not limited to recalibration of electronic and computer systems as required by manufacturer specifications, as well as for delivery.
  7.   I understand that any warranty offered is only valid R&R Auto Body. R&R Auto Body reserves the right to either approve or deny compensation for any warranty or rework done at another repair facility. This may include partial or no compensation.
  8. I understand that R&R Auto Body will not be held responsible for any personal items left in my vehicle or for damages resulting from an act of nature, including without limitation hail, wind, fire, or flood.
  1.   I understand that an express mechanic`s lien is hereby acknowledged to secure the amount of payment for repairs to my vehicle.  Should legal action be necessary for R&R Auto Body to collect payment, I will be responsible for R&R Auto Body’s legal expenses.
  2. I understand that R&R Autobody does not own or supply any rental vehicles.  However, upon request, R&R Autobody may, in its sole discretion, assist me in arranging for a rental vehicle.  I will be solely responsible for all costs, damages, and/or liabilities in connection with the rental vehicle.
  3. I agree that R&R Auto Body may provide to my insurance company information obtained during the course of repairs, including scanning, diagnostics, and/or calibration, and related vehicle information.
  4. I understand and agree that R&R Auto Body may provide my contact information to a third party organization who may contact me for the sole purpose of conducting a customer satisfaction survey.  My contact information will not be released to any additional parties by R&R Autobody or the survey organization.
  5. I authorize R&R Auto Body to contact me by phone, text message, and/or email in connection with the repairs to my vehicle, and I will advise R&R Autobody of my preferred method of communication, if any.  By providing my email address to R&R Auto Body, I consent to receive follow-up communications and commercial messages from R&R Auto Body via email.
  6. I understand that R&R Auto Body will retain and make accessible all documents in relation to the repairs for a period of sixty (60) days. Sixty days after the repair has been completed the only documents available for reproduction will be the repair order summary and invoice. Any photos of the vehicle that may have been taken will be lost after 60 days due to data storage limitation.


Payment & Delivery Terms

 In order to keep delays at a minimum, we will do everything we can to assist you with the repair process.  Following are several important pieces of information you need to be aware of prior to your vehicle`s delivery.  

  1.   I am responsible for payment of all repair bills.  In the event of third-party payment, I understand that my vehicle cannot be released to me until full payment, or other arrangements acceptable to R&R Auto Body, have been made.
  2.   I understand that R&R Auto Body will communicate with my insurance company when necessary to keep delays at a minimum.  This does not mean, however, that R&R Auto Body has any contractual relationship with my insurance company.
  3.   I understand that R&R Auto Body cannot control or guarantee that my insurance company will respond promptly in matters of inspection, approvals and/or payments.
  4.   I understand that it will not be possible to return my vehicle until full payment has been received or other satisfactory arrangements have been made.  Payment for repairs is due in full at time of vehicle pick up unless my insurance company has been pre-approved by R&R Auto Body for credit.
  5.   I will pay any deductibles I may owe by: a, Cash b. Insurance Check or c. Visa, MasterCard or Discover.
  6.   I understand that R&R Auto Body methods of payments are:  a. Insurance Check, b. Cash c. Visa, Mastercard, or Discover
  7.   I agree to pick up my vehicle within 24 hours of being notified it is complete.  After 24 hours, R&R Autobody will notify the insurance company if applicable that my vehicle has not been picked up.  Also, rental car coverage may terminate. If I do not pick up my vehicle within 24 hours, R&R Auto Body may charge storage charges may be assessed at a rate not exceeding $70.00 per day.
  8. R&R Auto Body does not accept personal checks Direction to Pay and Power of Attorney


I, the Vehicle Owner/Customer identified above, hereby authorize my above-named Insurance/Fleet Company to pay directly to R&R Auto Body any and all payments, including supplemental payments, due for repairs to my vehicle.

I hereby appoint R&R Auto Body as true and lawful attorney to sign my name and address, for endorsement purposes only, on any Insurance Drafts, Proof-of-Loss forms, or Insurance Release forms issued by the above-named Insurance/Fleet Company covering repairs to my vehicle in whatever manner is necessary to place checks or drafts in a cashable position or to facilitate the receipt of payment by R&R Auto Body.  I understand that I am responsible for any balances due after insurance payment has been made.

Authorization for Non-OEM Parts

Please complete this form to indicate whether you authorize R&R Auto Body to use non-OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts in the repair of your vehicle.

Request for Return/Examination of Replaced Parts

This Form is being provided to you pursuant to Washington law, which provides that you may request the return of replaced parts removed from your vehicle in connection with the repairs set forth in the above-referenced Repair Order (RO).

Replaced parts will be returned to you if you request them at the time you authorize the repairs.  Parts that must be returned to the manufacturer, remanufacturer, recycler, or rebuilder, or that must otherwise be disposed of as required by law, will be shown to you unless no charge is being made for the replacement part. 

This Form is being provided pursuant to Washington Law.  See RCW, § 46.71.021